three layers deep in all things

ai assisted coding

This post talks about the issues with relying on AI-assisted coding. A senior dev can rapidly prototype a project and understands most of the structure but a junior dev might just auto-accept everything AI suggests which might only gets them to 70% of the way there but they won’t figure out the last 30%. It goes back to understanding the fundamentals. This new renaissance of coding might bring a flourish of hand-crafted websites and apps.

ai model comparison

A table comparing all the ai models in different modals to see how they stack up against each other in terms of input tokens and prices.

tree spirit wisdom

A website dedicated to teach about different trees mapping to a month of the year along with their origin tracing through spiritual and religious context. A nice read about tree’s role in humanity’s context and the wisdom each tree provides.

when to use ai

A great post on when to use AI and when not to use AI. There are things AI are great at doing like generate an exhaustive list of new ideas or summarizing a boring long report no one bothers to read but not for actual learning if you are just starting out with a new idea.

winning astronomy photos

Some of the winners of the 2024 astromony photos in various categories like skyscapes, galaxies, moon, aurorae, planets, nebulae. A nice visual treat :)

idea harbor

A project someone made to put your idea down and display in public if it doesn’t get executed by a certain date. It’s quirky and fun way to see some of the ideas people have. Read the hn comments for more laughs.

mouseless click

A nice app to replace your mouse with keyboard exclusively. vim users would love this.
